Saturday, October 23, 2010

Journey Bag

Amy Hamberlin over at asked me to do a pattern test for her again. (in reality I begged her, I was in the mood to try something new ;) Here is the pic of her bag pattern available in two sizes. I made the big one, I was envisioning it as a way cute carry on in case I ever go somewhere fun. I made a few adjustments to the inside, but just put two seams on each side of the pockets to make a few smaller ones for pens, and a cell phone etc.
My finished bag. Amy Hamberlin's "Journey" bag. The fabric VINTAGE Amy Butler, the green is Kings Fern from her Charm (?) line, and the brown is from her Daisy Chain line called "sweet jasmine /brown" amazingly enough bought years apart, and had the same colorways so they worked. Not sure if the computer will show it or not, but the pink is almost purple and the green has a minty blue and impossible to match hue to it. So I am so happy I found something that works, and is dark so the straps won't show dirt, and the inside lining won't look grungy. BTW, that was my first real bag I have ever made. Yay me!
OH! And Amy used Sandi Henderson's fabric from her new line "Meadowsweet 2" ( I used a different color way of her line for the dress I did as a pattern test last spring), and a cute model with fun shoes. You have to settle with my entertainment center as neither my legs are my shoes are cute.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First Day of School Jitters...

I start a beginners quilt class tomorrow.
I am way excited!
Also a little nervous.
Course materials via class 'syllabus':
~sewing machine. check. Although I don't relish the thought of anyone looking down their noses at my 'vintage' case and late 60's model Bernina, I love it and it runs a tight ship.
~cutting mat and ruler. check. Although, it does sport some rather primitive art courtesy of the Liv.
~scissors. check. I have Gingers...that someone (cough cough) cut something round and metal (similar to I dunno...wire!) with so there is a glitch in them.
~rotary cutter. check. double check! Just got a new blade too.
~new needles, power cord and pedal, straight pins...check
~one layer cake, CHECK, my favorite part. It was so hard choosing, but I finally ended up with "fandango" by Kate Spain for Moda. Lots of fun "flirty" colors and forms, but a nice dose of dark brown which if this project goes to fruition will make a nice throw on a chocolate brown leather sofa. mmmmmmm.

I am pretty confident, although I don't have anything new for back to school that I have never been happier to go to class!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Amy B and ACU

I really like to sew.
If you knew my history, you would know that me saying that is nothing short of a miracle.
And I have been collecting projects ( and I know I am not the only one)
Here is a hint of a few things I am working on.
And coincidentally have taken pics of with my phone.
Do you detect a theme?