Sunday, May 17, 2009

Quilt shoppes

Quilting isn't a big deal to me, but OH the fabrics in those quilt shoppes are!!! There is such a great change happening in quilting. "Granny" fabrics are going to the back wall and in coming are fun fabulous prints, with nods to the new and old. The fabrics hold up great in apparel with the appropriate care and the designers are having so much fun it will make your head spin!

I was just in Twin Falls, Idaho while my dh was attending some incident command classes {yawn} and I had time to troll around the area. Kimberly is a tiny little town just outside of Twin where, when hunting for a fax machine I stepped inside the Quilt Barn { hEaVeN }. The building was large and bright, with distressed floors and painted tin ceilings. Vintage style quilts in bright and bold patterns adorned picnic tables and old iron beds in display windows, it was sensory overload {in a gOoD way}. This store is worth visiting! A balcony overhead featured lots of new ideas in fun fabrics in the way of finished quilts draped over the barn red rail. Everything was bright and airy and made me want to take fabric home right there and then!

check it out at { i like the store better in person than online eSpeCiAlLy the kid's corner framed with a little white picket fence - great for the Liv, and barn red club chairs to ponder upon what patterns to buy}

I am soooo going back there! I didn't get the chance to pick stuff up because we ended up having *stuff* come up and had to rush off to Boise, but oh I havn't forgotten, and will return with yardage needs in pocket!!!

1 comment:

  1. AND to make it better! they are hosing a trunk show in July with Amy H. and her CuTsiE designs from Kati Cupcake!!! I might actually schedule my house hunting around that.... maybe. Don't tell Chris. {tee hee}
