Monday, May 10, 2010

time flew by!

Quite a lot of time has gone by since I last made any comment at all on this blog. We have moved to a new home in a new city and have been adjusting to an entire new kind of life. Chris is working away on his masters degree and we are just trying to make it all happen as we raise four kids and live the student life all rolled into one.

I have been asked to help with humanitarian work with my church and after a WAYYY generous donation of BOLTS of premium yummy scrumboes fabric we are well under way into a rather big project which will both provide clothing for children over seas but will help to hone the sewing skills of the some what reluctant women and teenage girls that we are roping into this. Right now the goal is to turn out aprox. 260 jumpers and dresses from sizes 2- 16. Not a small project. But it is underway. We will have all off the "kits" ready by the end of June for people to "check out" and take home to create their little works of art.

So far we have measured, pre washed and ironed a TON of fabric. Also I have been retrofitting patterns so that the jumpers/dresses can be sewn simply and without any kind of fastners that can fall off and make the item usless. The older girls jumpers have been the most difficult to alter, but with just a few more tweaks I think we are ready to roll for the next phase, and that is cutting the "kits" out at girls camp in June. ((whew))

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